Clients - The MSR Group

Our Clients

We’ve had the tremendous privilege of working with so many incredible organizations, and we don’t really consider them “clients.” We consider them our partners. With an approach that emphasizes collaboration and results, it’s no surprise that the MSR Group has been able to help a variety of local, regional, and national organizations solve their business challenges.

While confidentiality agreements preclude a complete list, here are many of the clients with whom we’re proud to partner:

APECS® Voice of the Customer Program

APECS® is the complete voice of the customer program. With an emphasis on improving customer satisfaction and our experienced team on your side, we work with you to drive meaningful results.

Ad Hoc Research

With a comprehensive offering of both qualitative and quantitative research methods, we collaborate with you to understand your business challenges and design the research to meet your goals.
Qualitative ResearchQuantitative Research